“Next Step Beyond”
UpCycle Fast Fashion Show
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THE SCIENCE: The rise of fast fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon, with its roots in the Industrial Revolution. However, the modern fast fashion production model really kicked in to overdrive in the mid-to-late 20th century with advancements in textile production, the development of synthetic materials, and the globalization of supply chains. This period witnessed the rise of global brands pioneering "quick response" manufacturing methods, enabling them to rapidly adapt to changing trends to deliver new styles to consumers quickly.
As a result, the fast fashion industry is a major contributor to a wide-range of environmental problems, including over-production, water pollution, micro plastic pollution, and resource depletion. According to the World Bank, its annual carbon emissions are comparable to all international flights and maritime shipping combined.
Each year billions of garments are mass produced, worn, and discarded; with an estimated 92 million tons of textile waste ending up in landfills all over the world. This estimate equates to a garbage truck load of clothing being discarded every second. If current trends continue, this figure is projected to double by 2030. (Sources: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, UN Environment Program).
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With this year’s spotlight ‘Break the System’ we are inviting creatives of all ages to showcase their talents by transforming discarded and unwanted clothing into one-of-a-kind wearable art. Are you patching, mending, altering, abstracting? Are you pioneering new feedstocks from old textiles? Are you exploring sustainable materials like hemp, organic cotton, linen, bamboo, wool, silk, mushroom mycelium? We're excited to learn more about your work and vision by showcasing your skills at our first Georgetown Steam Plant Science Fair “Next Step Beyond”Upcycle Fast Fashion Show.
What to expect at the Science Fair: the “Next Step Beyond” home base exhibit will provide the space for designers and models to prepare for the fashion show and engage with science fair attendees. It will feature informative educational displays and hands-on examples that illuminate the environmental impacts of fast fashion and showcase the innovative ways local designers and makers are challenging industry norms.
Models will begin with a procession through the Steam Plant and end their walk on the outside main stage to showcase their designs. There will be plenty of space and time for artists and models to interact with fairgoers after they step off stage.
Let's use our co-creative talents to showcase the science of sustainable fashion and combat the environmental and social impacts of the fast fashion industry. Together lets push the boundaries of consumer culture by:
Exploring innovative reuse solutions from upcycling and repurposing, to creating new materials from textile waste.
Supporting your local makers and artisans that encourage sustainable fashion practices that build and invest in a stronger local textile economy.
Educating our communities and raise awareness about the environmental and social costs of fast fashion.
Advocating for systemic change that support policies that promote sustainability and ethical production practices.